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Writer's pictureA Sandwich & Some Lovin'

Hello I'm Allen

Hey everyone! Hello I'm Allen.  I've never blogged before, so thought I'd try to just be spontaneous and honest and let the thoughts roll where they may, so thanks for spending time with me and my thoughts!   Some of my posts will be serious, some silly, some funny, and others very random.  But I'll always try to be open and honest.

It's been a whirlwind couple of months for me personally. I quit my day job as a Marketing Director for a private company in Dallas in late November to devote my attention full-time to hosting and growing our "A Sandwich and Some Lovin'" podcast and hopefully over time Kellie and I can grow it into something really big! We have alot of big ideas, that's for sure! I've been working at home and trying to get used to not getting up and putting on business attire every day, but I think I'm really going to like being self-employed.  It also allows me to help with the children alot more which I really do enjoy.  I have alot of challenges ahead and goals that I want to accomplish. But I think I'll get there.  Usually, if I put my mind to something, work hard, and keep looking ahead, good things happen. I'll try to include some of the ups and downs here on the blog as the year progresses.

Our first Christmas and New Years holidays together as a married couple were really fun. The children seemed to have fun which is most important, and Kellie and I had a really fun gift exchange too!  She was very generous and she got me a new iPhone X, because I love taking pictures and video! After we spent time with family and the children, we went on a trip to New York City from December 26th to the 30th. The "feels like" temperature every day was around zero degrees and  we ate like every meal was our last, but we had a great time doing things we had never done before as a couple.  I told Kellie I wanted to visit the MET, number 1, because I'd never been there and number 2, I had never seen a real Vincent Van Gogh painting in person.  I got to see several of his paintings and it sounds corny, but as I was standing there looking at his original works, I got goosebumps.  Kellie learned something new about me on that trip...that I like Vincent Van Gogh.  When I was growing up, my mom had alot of different Van Gogh reproductions in our house, including "Sunflowers", "Irises", and "The Starry Night".  I guess that's always stuck with me.  I actually have "The Night Cafe" in my mini-man room on the wall and Kellie never even noticed!

I hope your new year is off to a fast start and thanks for reading this far.  I'll be posting here at least once a week.  Have a good one!

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I have no doubt how successful this podcast will be with you in the drivers seat Allen. I mean, look at how fast it's grown in such a short period of time and now you have sponsors!! Blessings to you and Kellie and your entire family. 🙏🙏🙏


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